There is only now: (Nothing Is The Matter)

2 years ago

There is not past as such, just snapshots and memories of it, just as future dates only exists as an intention. In reality there is only NOW. A series of never ending back-to-back NOW's. Being in the present helps us recalibrate and allows more presence of mind. De-clutter your mind with meditation and allow your intuition and instinctive thoughts the room to make themselves heard over the constant white noise of life.

Two things that never change:

1. There is only now.
2. You'll always be in it in one shape or form.

Everything else changes.

Time to appreciate life.

We really have nothing to fear in life. You are a powerful being and the universe will open up its secrets if you're keen to know more. This book pokes around various elements of nature and its curiosities and it'll open your mind to new possibilities.

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