Eventual Compliance - the cornerstone of tyranny!!

3 years ago

This is a perfect example of eventual compliance!

Eventual compliance is THE key to sustaining tyranny. It’s the cornerstone element of their power.

Please understand these police are threatening lawful citizens with illegal deprivation of their rights. There is no legal basis. It’s all perception! That’s why the police aren’t even sure what to do. At one point one of them turns to the bureaucrats for more marching orders. It’s an acknowledgment of the seismic shift from a law-based authority nation to a decree-based authority nation. The enforceable rules of conduct in a decree-based society has no solid foundation of authority, as it always sways based on the whims of the King or Tyrant.

A year ago the police would have informed the bureaucrats of any confusion they had about rule of law protocols. In a law-based authority nation the law overrules agendas or objectives. It’s a solid rock foundation based on a previously established contract. And in America there were built-in mechanisms to ensure the people could NEVER lose power....unless they no longer wished to have it.

Now there is uncertainty regarding rules of conduct & protocol in America because the agendas & objectives of bureaucrats are given improperly elevated authority over established contractual laws. That’s why the police said things like “put your hands behind your back” with no actually intent or conviction. They would have said anything, regardless of the law, to achieve the objective of the bureaucrats, which in this case was to make them exit the building.

Do you understand what was most important to them? Eventual compliance. By any means necessary. It’s how they are able to further the faulty premise that they have power over the people.

We are absolute fools, the most foolish in all of history! American citizens are quite literally surrendering our rights, our power, our God-given gift of American freedom, because we are too stupid & weak to simply claim them. To defend truth!

How can I convey this strong enough? MAKE THEM arrest you!! I know in the moment that’s hard to do because the bullies are very convincing with their bravado regarding the illusion of authority they portray. But we must resist. We must.


I feel like I’ve been a broken record for over a year now. But I just don’t know when we will truly fight against this? Maybe we won’t?? It’s devastatingly heartbreaking to me that we are willing to hand over all the power God have us!!

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