Biden Blues - written and performed by Jack DesBois

2 years ago

Biden Blues - written and performed by Jack DesBois, for the 4th Worldwide Demonstration for Freedom


When I was just a kid,
I’d shout and I’d refuse.
My mama taught me, be polite,
Taught me the words to use:
No thank you, Joe; no thank you, Joe.
I’d rather sing these no thank you blues.

No thank you, Joe; no thank you, Joe.
I learned my manners well,
So I won’t tell
You where to go.
This trip you’re tripping on,
I don’t care to go.
So thank you, no,
No thank you, Joe,
No thank you, Joe.

Oh, Mr. President,
You seem a bit confused.
You seem to think that it’s your job
To tell me what to do.
No thank you, Joe; no thank you, Joe.
My conscience does a better job than you.

My mama taught me never
Take candy from a man
Who says he wants to keep me safe
And hold me by the hand.
No thank you, Joe; no thank you, Joe.
There’s no way I’m taking candy from your hand.


You say it’s not about
Our freedom or our choice.
You demonize each one of us
Who dares to use his voice.
No thank you, Joe; no thank you, Joe.
It’s my freedom, it’s my choice, and it’s my voice.

You say what am I waiting for,
The evidence is clear.
I’m not waiting, Joe, I know my mind:
I’ve chosen not to fear.
No thank you, Joe; no thank you, Joe.
I’ve done my research and it’s clear, no need to fear.

(Refrain x2)

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