Become Triggerless & Experience Total FREEDOM! Dig into Old Trauma to Find Peace & Bliss

2 years ago

Become Triggerless! This is episode two of the Blissful Breakfast with Breegs!

"Triggers are a Gift from the Universe" - Phil Good

In this episode I explore how exploring my triggers and trauma helps me to bliss out. I give practical tips on how to explore and dig into your trigger points to allow you to access freedom & absolute tasty bliss! I share a story about how I got supper triggered from a scenario with my wife, that led me to explore a moment from my childhood that I soaked in some limiting beliefs. I discovered the ROOT cause of that nonsense and it set me free!

If you want regular blissful affirmations to help boost your days into bliss, text me! And I'll send you some encouraging blissful goodness. Just text 'Bliss' to 320.314.5768.

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