Reichstag Fire: Dicktator announces apartheid travel curbs, mandatory jabs for civil service

3 years ago

This video, recorded in Ottawa at a press conference on 6 October 2021, shows an excerpt from Dicktator Justin Trudeau's press conference at which he announced his biotech apartheid travel restriction policy and his policy of mandatory jabs for federal civil servants.

Things to remark:

The Dicktator just created a division in Canadian society, or rather he exacerbated it. It is the case globally that 80% of the people are docile and easily led. Civil servants are just like any other statistical group: heterogeneous. The observer, for whatever be his reason, categorizes a group into "civil servants" or "miners" or "salesladies". In purely economic terms it might be advantageous for the observer to speak of pay grades and vacation days. But in human terms, the civil servant might be a daughter or a parent or a hockey player or a landlord or a hunter. She might be all those things wrapped up into one being. And, who knows, she might be the neighbour of Sean Hartman, the young lad who was coerced into the jab that ended his life. So what I mean is that the Dicktator might just have disaffected the very people on which depends his continuation in office. Civil servants include people like the military and the RCMP, the only two classes of Canadians who are skilled with weapons.

The travel restrictions announced by the Dicktator are yet unclear: whereas the deadline for jabbing yourself if you are a federal civil servant is clearly 30 October, the date on which your ability to travel in your natural unjabbed state will be curtailed might be 30 October but it might be sometime in November. At 0:35-0:43 the Dicktator mentions "the end of October" and in the next sentence from 0:44-0:54 he mentions "end of November". Can anyone enlighten me?

The Dicktator wants the airlines to enforce on their staff the mandatory jab.The chain of liability is murky here, if a staff member should fall ill as the result of the jab: who is the responsible party, the Dicktator or the airline or both? Staff members need to be clear on that distinction before they proceed on this potentially life-changing medical intervention.

The final remark is best for last: the Dicktator first announced the policy on 13 August, two days before he dissolved Parliament. The Dicktator wants to have everyone line up at his command, before the resumption of Parliament. And that is the reason why I use the word Dicktator: Parliament hasn't spoken. This is Justin Trudeau's Reichstag Fire. In other words, like all good Dicktators he fears Parliament. Can you tell me why that is, internet friends?

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