What Is Our Future? - When We Don't Stand For Anything - We Breakdown

2 years ago

The Strongest force wins

Unjustified Force will continue until it is met with equal or greater force in resistance to the current force. This common logic is forgotten in the Media, even the hardest core conservative is not man enough to use his God given and Constitutional aggression to end the aggression put on the American People. Apparently apathy and laying down to violence just leads to more violence and continues to allow violence to keep going on and more victims made. Once the violent criminals are apprehended and dealt with then the violence can stop. So if you say you are against lawful violence to stop criminals" then don't expect the violence to end. In fact the longer the criminals get to remain free and dig an even deeper foothold, then the violence will just keep getting worse, more en-brazen and emboldened, the crimes will be more and more horrific.

You know if the American people would have settled these matters 10 years ago we wouldn't have a sold out country now, we wouldn't have had the lock-downs and election problems and the huge debt and all these problems we are facing. The lesson is the sooner we get rid of the criminals even if the American People have to do it, the sooner America can recover and become truly free again. We never like having to punish people but in order to have a beneficial society that we can all get along in, it is our duty to future generations and our obligation to those who came before us, we have to stand like they stood and put an end to these criminal ways, if not all the trajectory shows is a downward slope for the future, all our futures are at stake here and it is time for rational blunt discussion on ending this unconstitutional tyranny, This is our country, we make the rules and if we have to, we will enforce the laws of these United States.

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