I Was Vax Hesitant, But I Got Pfizer Covid-19 Jab to Return to Work

2 years ago

Welcome to CVAR, a #Covid-Vaccine-Adverse-Reactions podcast. Today, we talk to DJ Taste, Dave Menchinton about the nerve damage he is experiencing shortly after getting his 2nd covid-19 shot a little over a month ago. Dave, welcome to CVAR.

To donate to Dave's fundraiser to help him with his medical bills:

Follow DJ Taste, Dave Menchinton here:

For more information about the #Defeat-the-Mandates-DC march on Jan. 23, 2022 at Washington DC, USA: https://defeatthemandatesdc.com/

ALL Covid-19 vaccine-injured in the USA need to file a claim with the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP), which includes COVID-19 vaccines. If you have a family member who died in the hospital and was administered Remdesivir/ventilator as part of the Covid-19 protocol, you also can submit a claim. You have 1-year to submit your claim. You must include 1) 1-year of medical records PRIOR to your CV-19 vaccination date or Remdesivir-related death, AND 2) all your medical bills. If your claim is approved, it may cover: reimburse/payment of medical bills, lost employment income, assistance if you have no medical insurance, and payment to beneficiaries if vaccine-injury resulted in death. For more information about CICP, contact 1-855-266-2427 (CICP) or cicp@hrsa.gov.
Submit your claim here:

The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program is a no-fault alternative to the traditional legal system for resolving vaccine injury petitions in the USA. CV-19 is not currently covered. If you have questions, call: 1-800-338-2382 or email: vaccinecompensation@hrsa.gov.

Support H.R.3655 - Vaccine Injury Compensation Modernization Act of 2021 by reaching out to your state representative. Text: RESIST to 50409. Tell your U.S. representative to include COVID-19 vaccine-injures into the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program and other related compensation programs.

If you’re in the USA, report adverse reactions to VAERS: https://vaers.hhs.gov/esub/index.jsp
If you’re in the UK, report adverse reactions you to MHRA Yellow Card: https://coronavirus-yellowcard.mhra.gov.uk/

If you’re in Australia, report adverse reactions to TGA website: https://www.tga.gov.au/periodic/covid-19-vaccine-weekly-safety-report-24-06-2021#section-527
If you’re in Canada, report adverse reactions to PHAC/Health Canada:

If you’re in New Zealand, report adverse reactions to MedSafe:

If you’re in South Africa, report adverse reactions to NICD:

If you, your family or friend needs assistance, you can go to the ICAN (Inform Consent Action Network) or America’s Frontline Doctors website for medical treatment advisory and legal consult: https://www.icandecide.org/report-a-vaccine-injury/

For more information: https://merkabachakras.com/pages/cvar-podcast

Covid Injection DETOX Protocol Suggestions: https://healthfreedomdefense.org/covid-injection-detox-protocols/

Dr. Ana Mihalcea on artificial Ai nanotoxins in all people:

Detox GO, hyrogel & nano toxins w/vitamins NAC, Quercetin, *Ivermectin, D (5,000 mg).
Get Rx for Ivermectin: https://www.pushhealth.com/
Order here: https://honeybeehealth.com/

#CovidVaccineAdverseReactions, #DaveMenchinton, #Covid-19Tyranny, #SocialCreditSystem, #VaccineMandatesPassport, #Covid19vaccine, #mrna, #CVAR, #VaccineInjuries

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