Ezekiel 30-31 | THE DAYS OF EZEKIEL | 10/06/2021

3 years ago

Lesson begins around 24:00

Is America about to face God's judgment? Are you about to face God's judgment?

A student of the Word of God will remain watchful, astute to the signs of the times. Ezekiel is delivering a message of judgment to Egypt, a 2,500 year old super power and its Pharaoh. What can we learn from these judgments against Egypt and Pharaoh?

As we face the end times we must prepare our hearts. CCMV holds to a pre-tribulation rapture, but even if the Church goes through the tribulation, the Church MUST prepare our hearts. Jesus is coming for His Church, this is assured. We must be prepared. Sin will not go unpunished.


Join us for the "WE THE PEOPLE CONFERENCE" on Saturday, October 9, 2021 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at 8069 Alameda, Ave., El Paso, Texas

The conference will focus on constitutional issues. This country was founded on Christian values. This means the Church must be educated regarding its founding. Please RSVP to ccmvep@gmail.com to reserve your seat today!

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