Two false pandemics created by drug companies notes Wolfgang Wodarg, MD

2 years ago

Here is a 1.5 minute video clip from 2010 of Wolfgang Woodarg, MD noting that the drug companies were behind two false pandemics (2009 and 2006).

Wolfgang Wodarg, MD, an epidemiologist and a member of German parliament, was the Chairman of the Council of Europe Health Committee who looked into this.

The 2009 Swine flu and the 2006 Bird flu were ‘false’ pandemics says Wolfgang Wodarg, MD in this video clip from 2010.

Dr. Wodarg says that drug companies influenced the World Health Organization (WHO) to declare two “false” pandemics, and by doing so, they made a lot of money selling drugs and vaccines.

He says that it was not just the WHO, but also national institutions (such as the CDC, is what he is referring to).

In another interview, one that he did with the Danish “Information” published on 28 Dec 2009, he said that the 2009 Swine Flu pandemic was “one of the greatest medical scandals of the century”.

(His quote is included in the article in the Daily Mail here:

He says that they talked about a “second wave”, but there was no evidence for a second wave.

He said, “people were vaccinated needlessly” which caused “damage”.

He also notes that children were vaccinated, which is not necessary, and the vaccines were not tested in children, and yet the WHO is claiming that this is a good thing.

He says, “It’s incredible what is happening.”

Wolfgang Woodarg is involved in a lawsuit filed in Germany in 2020 about the “Corona Scandal” as noted here:

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