Relationship breakup advice Just move on is an insensitive bad advice

2 years ago

Moving on is actually bad advice. When someone has a negative experience or situation, our advice to them tend to be hey, let's just move on. Don't be stuck in the past. We've got the move on from the negative to the positive insight into this culture.

Where species. Of the essence, we should not spend time reading over the past, we just need to move on to the positive future. When its about a breakup, many just say move on, she/ he was not good for you, you don’t need that, you can find a better person but the issue is not that you can or you cannot find another person. The issue is right now you feel hurt, lost, confuse and you are struggling. This maybe your first breakup or not, it is not easy to just apply ‘ just move on’ deal.

People and even our self seem to be insensitive towards our own feeling and emotions that you feel inside of us during those times, We struggle to process our feeling and emotion and we find no sympathy from others to honour our needs to talk, to get advice and feel understood by others.
Our society has simply refused to take in count the pain and struggle that some people go through in breakup, instead they made it easy to deal with such heavy emotion by just advising people to move on.
Unresolved feeling and emotion can late bring sudden depression, health issue and even cancer as we are human we cannot escape to go through the process of grieving.
We cannot just switch off our emotion and feeling and replace people like they were an old iPhone with the new one that came out.

Does this sound reasonable? All this sounds very reasonable from a pragmatic standpoint, but from an emotional perspective, there is this stage called the emotional inertia. What we looked address as human beings. Well moving on will work if we are just a machine with start and stop buttons, but we are not. We are actually a human being with a bundle of emotions that needs to be processed before we can actually
We are actually a human being with a bundle of emotions that needs to be processed before we can actually.

Look forward to the future, especially after a negative situation. That's why it is important for us to go through this particular face called processing the grief. There is a certain emotional inertia that we need to overcome before we can really. Move forward before we talk about the steps to process the grief.

My advice is STOP trying to move on so hard and just leave it alone, WU WEI the art to leave it alone, START LIVING and stop controlling the things that you have no control over.Allow yourself to be human and human are not perfect, you don’t need to be perfectly strong and you don’t have to prove to others that you are ok or heavy stuff doesn’t affect you, it is ok to not be ok.

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