Joe Kent Digital Town Hall - - 5/17/21

2 years ago

"Ask Me Anything" Digital Townhall with WA-3 candidate Joe Kent in The Save America Discord community.

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0:00 Welcome to Mr. Kent
1:16 Joe Kent introduces himself
11:50 Joe shares about meeting with President Trump
17:45 What will you do to stop Critical Race Theory in schools?
20:10 Do you think that people with disabilities can serve in the military?
21:05 Will you work towards abolishing the NFA (National Firearms Act)?
22:04 Have you had resistance from establishment GOP or challenges fundraising?
24:37 How would you protect US intel/technology from China & other adversaries?
26:36 What triggered you to run for U.S. House?
28:29 How will you deal with pressure in politics?
29:18 What do you think about congressional term limits? Are they possible?
31:00 What are the roles and needs of local, state & federal Depts of Transportation?
33:42 What are your thoughts on NAFTA & USMCA's impact on the timber industry?
36:16 What pre-Covid election safeguards need to be restored?
38:48 What do you think of the federal urbanization act and impact on suburbs?
39:38 Joe's views on the US Dept of Education and CRT grants
42:13 What are your thoughts on school vouchers & privatization?
43:22 How do we maintain American values amid global tech & cultural pressure?
46:54 What would it look like to break-up Big Tech?
48:37 What is your favorite book?
50:50 What news sources do you use and how do you choose?
52:38 How do you plan to get republicans on your side?
55:37 Is the influence of big corporations on society an issue?
58:02 Have 3-letter agencies overstepped their duties?
1:01:12 Do you think intel agencies are effective & impartial?
1:03:44 How do you feel about mining of natural resources?
1:05:53 Has Trump given you a timeline or goal for endorsement?
1:07:16 What is your thoughts regarding spending & debt?
1:10:50 Question regarding federalist papers and constitutional amendments.
1:12:48 Do states need to reassert their rights and if so, how?
1:15:53 What issues not mentioned yet are important to you?
1:18:04 Should republicans be doing more to focus on local elections?
1:19:51 What would you do with HR1 elections act?
1:21:15 How will you approach representing your district versus all of America?
1:23:10 What sets you apart from the other candidates running?
1:27:05 How would somebody go about running for congress?
1:31:05 Thank You to Mr. Kent & Closing by Mr. Kent

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