27. Jonathan Jacobson - The Solution is Honesty

2 years ago

Jonathan was born, raised, and educated in Central Alberta. After university graduation, I tried my hand at post graduate studies in International Law at the University of Nottingham, however, it turned out I had neither the temperament nor drive to finish that degree (in hindsight, it’s a minor miracle that I completed any post secondary education).

Having always been interested in entrepreneurial endeavours, I started a home building company in 2006 in Lacombe, Alberta, which I still run to this day. In 2017, I ran and was elected to municipal council in Lacombe, and plan to run again in the 2021 municipal elections.

I am married to a wonderful woman who’s been my partner for ten years, we share a young daughter who constantly reminds us who’s really in charge.

I am a deeply heterodox in my outlook on life. I am addicted to all conversations existential. My atheism seems always seems to get tangled with my affinity for spirituality – my feelings about which I can never quite distinguish between sympathy and scepticism.

My heroes are Christopher Hitchens, Bill Gates, Brett Weinstein, and Tony Stark.

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