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14. Leo Housakos - Love Canada

3 years ago

Senator Leo Housakos was appointed to the Senate by Prime Minister Stephen Harper in 2008. He was named Speaker of the Senate in 2014. During his tenure, he has been at the forefront of Senate modernization both as Chair of Internal Economy and Chair of Rules and Procedures of the Senate.

One of his proudest achievements in the Senate, was the passing of a bill, of which he was the sponsor, calling for a national framework for PTSD amongst first responders. He is also a member of the Foreign Affairs committee and is very outspoken on matters such as the Chinese crackdown on pro democracy activists in Hong Kong and the persecution of Uighur Muslims, as well as speaking out against the Iranian regime and Turkish regimes.

Senator Housakos is also involved in his community including raising awareness and funds for the Greek schools of Socrates and Demosthenes of Greater Montreal and for Giant Steps School and Resource Centre, which provides education and services for autistic children and their families.

A graduate of McGill University, enjoyed a successful career in business while engaging in public service through various initiatives including serving two terms as Vice-President of the Hellenic Congress of Quebec and as a founding member of the Hellenic Board of Trade of Greater Montreal.

In 2018, Senator Housakos was invested as an Archon of the Greek Orthodox Church in recognition of his unwavering support of the church, his leadership within the Hellenic community and his work on behalf of all Canadians as a parliamentarian.

Senator Housakos’s greatest sources of pride and joy remain his wife Demi and their two sons Peter and Tasso.

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