Why Discomfort of the Mind is a Disease

2 years ago

Thoughts to Consider

Too many of us have discomfort in our bodies, our soul, and our minds. When we sit, we move around trying to find the right position so we can relax.

When we sleep we toss and turn all night. We wake up tired and grumpy towards the ones we love. Discomfort within ourselves is a direct correlation of how we treat others.

We are restless because we do not know how to allow our mind and heart to find stillness, awareness, and quietness.

We are busy judging others, fighting others, and do wrong or being wronged by others.

The reason many of us have this uneasiness is because we have not let go of the things that keep us in a state of distress. The mind is constantly working.

Maybe we have not forgiven someone or we have not forgiven ourselves for the things we have done in the past? I know I fall into this category.

Why do we choose to hold on to things from when we were children or foolish adults?

I believe we are aware that the words and actions of people can hurt us. We are also aware that our actions can hurt others. We don't always see when we are being hurt by others or hurting someone else.

As emotional humans, we put up walls to protect ourselves from "them". Those people who hurt us but will not hurt us any longer if we put up our walls.

This is one thing we do to protect against discomfort but this does not work. Putting up walls only creates separation. Remember the wall is around you. Your the one who is in hiding as the other person continues to live their life.

You and I should have faith and trust that if we can take the right steps in life, we will do the right things and treat people the best we can.

When we live life with faith and trust sometimes things take care of itself. The universe will provide what you need in due course.

We must learn to forgive the past and not dwell on the future. The past and future have no place with you in the present moment.

If we do this, the disease in our mind will cease to exist. We will let go of the things that bring us discomfort. This will allow us to connect to others.

We can learn to let go of the things that hold us back in life so we can move forward to where we need to be.

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