This is Why we Should not Place Judgement on Others

3 years ago

Thoughts to Consider

Too many of us place judgement on others before we know the full story. We think we know what is best, what is right, and what the final outcome should be.

We believe we know everything and every situation before it happens. This allows us to take on the false belief that we should advise people on their lives.

Why are we so quick to place judgement of those we meet without knowing them?

I believe many of us are insecure. The conclusions we place on others is based on our insecurities. We allow our ego to feel superiors in situations we know nothing about.

Our ego does not want to feel inferior so we allow ourselves the right to place judgement on others. This judgement only creates misunderstanding.

Have you ever caught yourself making up stories about situations that have not happen? Then you find yourself having an argument, with yourself, based on that fake conversation?

You think you know how everything will take place so you create situations and answers based on your beliefs.

Do you see how placing judgement on others can lead to insanity? Also, it leads to misunderstandings and a lack of connections to others.

I admit I have done this in the past. When I see myself doing this, I wonder where this is coming from. Why do I feel this way? Why am I so vulnerable?

I believe we do this because our egos are looking to protect itself from some unforeseen harm or interaction in the future. An interaction that may or may not happen.

But if it does, you are ready to protect yourself without knowing what the other person will say, do or feel.

If you place judgement on others, I ask you to not do it anymore. Doing this will not get you anywhere, even if the person has done something wrong.

Who are we to judge someone else and their actions? Have we not made similar mistakes, or worse?

I can guarantee we have all had had moments we are not proud of.

If we judge others, does this not give them the right to judge us back?

I believe we need to work on accepting others for who they are. This only happens when we practice non-judgment in our life.

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