This is why Different Thoughts Confuse us to Inaction

2 years ago

Thoughts to Consider - Confusing Thoughts

This very minute you start to read this article but what other thoughts are distracting you?

Are you focused on the current moment, that means reading, or is your mind playing mental ping pong, going back and forth, with random thoughts?

Are you revisiting one of the hundreds of images you have every day? The same thoughts, images, and words you have been replaying in your mind.

Do you let your mind wander from thought to thought as you read this or are you in control of the thoughts and what you focus on?

Have you ever got lost in all the confusion of what is going on in the mind?

I believe many people live their whole lives in that one state. Confusion in the mind stops us from taking action on the things we need to. We second guess what we are doing, why we want to do it, and will it actually make a difference once we are done.

Do you remember why you sat down to read this article? What were you thinking about right before you began reading? What are you hoping to achieve by reading this article?

Do you find it hard to bring your thoughts back to once they wander off? Do you follow your thought to a negative place then find it hard to get out of that rut?

Are you wandering thoughts positive and bringing about an energy you can use to grow and achieve your goals?

It is ok to focus on the things that cross your mind. We should do our best to focus on one thought at a time and not allow our minds to be bombarded.

Once the first thought is complete then move to the next.

How long you stay with a thought will determine if you will move forward in life or not. Only you can decide if a thought can serve you.

I believe we need to focus on the positive thoughts which are at the forefront of our minds. We can not give life to the negative thoughts which can occupy our state of being.

When your mind goes to different thoughts, just remember, it may be doing this because we live a "go, go, go" lifestyle. Today might be the day you need to take a few minutes and just slow down.

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