Nebulizing food grade hydrogen peroxide and Lugol's solution by dr. Russell Jaffe

2 years ago


Some interesting comments from the YouTube video:

Pol Aris
I nebulize 1% H2O2 for 15. minutes twice or three times a day, every single day for the last seven months, with a tremendously positive effect on my overall health. H2O2 is one of the best things that happened in my life.
EDIT 4. December 2020: For the last few days, I am on 0,5% solution with saline.

Christina Briggs
I have asthma and for 38 years, most every cold sends me to the hospital for steroids so i can breathe again, saline i.v., antibiotics and breathing treatments. The last time i got sick, i alternated between nebulizing the iodine solution with saline, and then the 3% H2O2. I was amazed, i got well and never went to the hospital.

Brian Kearnaghan
I caught the virus, I did what Brownstein said to do with the H2O2 and I was back to normal in just 2 days. Cost to Treat Corona Virus: $15 for the vaporizer, and $5 for Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide.
@Mary Mercedes I tell people my cure of Covid, but I feel like they don't believe me, or that they think I just lucked out. My health history which includes a heart attack and MRSA which nearly killed me. My immune system is week, but with the H202 advice, it was nothing to have Covid. Covid couldn't multiply with the vaporized H2O2 and distilled water (I tested positive). I also used to smoke and I have asthma. So many things should have made Covid deadly for me including my age 58. But it was no big deal. I get sick from wearing masks, I won't wear them unless someone threatens to have me removed from the premisses. Now Fauci is saying wear two or three masks. He is so stupid (for a doctor) or he is financially compromised by his decisions!

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