D.Buzz Features: Replies

2 years ago

When someone leaves a comment on one of your Buzz’s, you will receive a notification that there is a reply. Replies are the heart of conversations on D.Buzz.

On the main menu, scroll down to your “Profiles” tab and click on it. This will bring you to your profile screen. On this screen, you will see three tabs underneath the header, which are Buzzes, Comments, and Replies. Click on Replies.

When you’re on the replies tab, you will see all the different users who have replied to one or more of your buzzes. These are listed in descending (z -> a) order from the latest comment, down to the oldest. If you click on any of these replies, you can then leave your own reply, view, and/or vote for that author, all directly from within this tab.

On the “Buzz’s” tab on your main profile page, you will see all your different buzzes. On the bottom of a buzz right before the horizontal line, you will see a heart icon and a speech bubble. The number next to the speech bubble shows how many replies that buzz has received.

If you click on your buzz then scroll down a bit, you will see all the replies. These are listed in ascending (a -> z) order from the first reply to the last. The red vertical line connects conversations together underneath that buzz.

Making use of your replies is a great way to build a following, and potentially increase the number of votes you might get. It’s generally a good practice to respond to replies in a timely fashion.

Each reply can only have a maximum of 280 characters (excluding up to 3 links and images), much like the main Buzz itself.

The D.Buzz Video series is focused on short videos about the different features of D.Buzz. These videos can be used by our community in referencing features and to address "how-to" questions.

Should you have questions or suggestions not listed on the video, please add them below in the comments section, or reach out to us on Discord.

Thank you for being part of our community.

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