In case you wondered how good Santa is at Vex.

2 years ago

So Twitch was support, but instead of laning bot, he camped mid.

At the end of the game, Twitch said,"Mid dif."

That's how good Santa name changer supreme is.

#1 NA Mastery Senna & #1 world ladders:Starcraft/BroodWar/Warcraft3/Diablo2Hardcore/C&C3/SC2:2v2+ Love is the way.

But more importantly: I'm VERY FUNNY! Just look at me. Guaranteed insanity humor or plain insanity.

Proof I was #1 at every online video game I played (just never could get to tourneys):

Proof of the God of Love: Love's the way. Hate is wrong.

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I play with SHERIFF BUFORD #1 Mundo World, the ex #1 AkShan World (Santa name changer supreme), Michael Moore, Skylar and many more #1 mastery players and other cool people.

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