League of Legends Highlight: That's not our snake. [Comedy Cut[

2 years ago
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#1 NA Mastery Senna & #1 world ladders:Starcraft/BroodWar/Warcraft3/Diablo2Hardcore/C&C3/SC2:2v2+ Love is the way.

But more importantly: I'm VERY FUNNY! Just look at me. Guaranteed insanity humor or plain insanity.

Proof I was #1 at every online video game I played (just never could get to tourneys): https://crystalfighter.com/achieve/starcraft/achieve.html

Proof of the God of Love: www.goodnewsjim.com Love's the way. Hate is wrong.

Want to play video games I make or make em with me? www.crystalfighter.com

I play with SHERIFF BUFORD #1 Mundo World, the ex #1 AkShan World (Santa name changer supreme), Michael Moore, Skylar and many more #1 mastery players and other cool people.

Watch us stream on a free service: www.youtube.com/c/goodnewsjim
Or see more of my Rumble: www.rumble.com/goodnewsjim

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