Facebook is Inhibiting First Amendment Protections for Free Speech

2 years ago

In a recent debate with Dr. Richad Richey from TYT, I argued that Facebook is inhibiting First Amendment protections for free speech by inequitably censoring people and ideas that don’t align with their narrative while benefitting from the protection of the federal government.
What a coincidence that after this debate a whistleblower released a study empirically showing that Facebook actually allows divisive content to promote engagement…unless you're Candace Owens or Donald Trump, a fact that Dr. Richey denied was happening to Candace Owens. However, the whistleblower said: “Facebook has publicized its work to combat misinformation and violent extremism relating to the 2020 election and insurrection,” she wrote in a cover letter on the subject. "In reality, Facebook knew its algorithms and platforms promoted this type of harmful content, and it failed to deploy internally recommended or lasting countermeasures.”
See my debate with Dr. Richey below...

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