60 Minutes Facebook Whistleblower is Left Wing Operative 5 Oct 2021

3 years ago

Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen, who wants conservative content openly shadow-banned or eliminated is working with former Obama deputy press-secretary Bill Burton and his consulting firm.

According to the Free Beacon — Burton’s involvement in helping to manage Haugen’s public debut suggests that her argument is part of a broader Democratic initiative. This much is clear as you listen to Haugen attack those who question the 2020 election. It smells like just another Democrat operation.

Frances Burton does not believe in free speech in America. She wants to control thought and content online. This makes her a tool of the left.
Eliana Johnson at The Free Beacon reported:
The Facebook whistleblower who revealed herself in a 60 Minutes interview is getting strategic communications guidance from a top Democratic operative, according to a source with direct knowledge of the relationship, which was confirmed by another half-dozen sources with indirect knowledge of the partnership.

Frances Haugen, the former Facebook employee who has for the past 10 months fed internal documents to a top Wall Street Journal reporter, and who revealed her identity in a primetime broadcast on Sunday, is working with the political consultant and former Obama administration deputy press-secretary Bill Burton and his consulting firm, Bryson Gillette. It is unclear when Haugen’s relationship with Burton and Bryson Gillette began, how big her communications team is, and whether it includes other political operatives.

But Burton is now deeply integrated with an emerging infrastructure on the left comprised of individuals and organizations, including the nonprofit Center for Humane Technology, seeking to press Facebook to more aggressively police political content.

In Haugen’s public testimony, industry and political insiders see a sophisticated communications campaign intended to put Facebook on defense, from a steady trickle of leaked internal documents that fueled a Wall Street Journal investigative series dubbed “The Facebook Files” to the blockbuster 60 Minutes interview to congressional testimony scheduled to begin Tuesday. Haugen on Sunday also debuted a slick personal website in part to field media requests.

“It does have the appearance of being an incredibly well-orchestrated communications campaign,” said the GOP operative Kevin McLaughlin, the former director of the National Republican Senatorial Committee.

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