Her grip is really fading fast...

2 years ago

Welcome to Washington Expose, the only program in America that prefers MySpace anyway. As we watch and gather more information from the great Facebook blackout of ’21, we’re seeing massive ripples in the investment markets and scores of Gen-Z’ers with one foot out the door. We’ll be featuring a special segment on tomorrow’s show that is not to be missed. Today, we dig into the slipping grip Nancy Pelosi has had on the House and what it means for the Transportation Bill and your wallets. How does Congress giving millions to Afghan refugees impact your entitlements down the road? Will there be repercussions for the dastardly RINO’s who preferred to take care of Afghans over their own constituents? This and much more – viewers of today’s show are kindly encouraged to please refer our blockbuster show yet from this past Friday about the RINO’s to a friend by using this link: https://rumble.com/vn74st-these-rinos-gave-how-much-to-afghan-refugees.html

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