Disenchanted? Bitter?

2 years ago

Disappointed? In God or in a human being? Either way, our soul enemy uses disappointment to trap our soul in disillusionment, a path that leads us to depression and despair. Guard your heart diligently from the disappointments of life, for out of our heart flows the issues of our life.(Proverbs 4:20-23)The bubble of our expectations is often burst by the actions of the human condition and disappointment settles into our soul, a disillusionment our enemy hoped for because it will lead us to disenchantment with God. Bitterness is an evil root in our soul, and it is seeded by disappointment that we have reacted to through our human condition, instead of responding to out of the God truth written on our hearts. Bitterness is never about another person, it is always about our reaction to disappointing human beings, who can never meet our needs, and it disenchants us to the One Who can, keeping us in disillusionment from the truth which can set us free. The more we lean into our own understanding, we lean out of God’s Sovereign Sway, and we do not acknowledge Him, in all our ways. Disillusionment keeps us out of wholly-holy alignment with God’s way, truth and life, we give the fame to our feelings, our faith takes a back seat and life becomes an assumption about what we think we know. Disappointed? Turn and fully face God, hand Him your wounded soul feelings, your dashed expectations, and let Him return to you to His reality of truth, which will, no doubt about it, set you free from the schemes of the enemy’s craftily planned disillusionment, disenchantment and all things d-devilish. Acknowledge GOD in ALL your ways and He will direct your path far away from disillusionment, to the joy of His hope, which does not disappoint. God bless you heart to heart, hope in Jesus. Read Psalm 118. Dig Deeper: https://thebridegroomscafe.com/hand-of-mercy/

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