Liberty Minute - 20211005

3 years ago

This is the Liberty Minute for Tuesday, day 569 of 15 days to flatten the curve.
President Biden blames the Republicans for not raising the debt ceiling yet. To be clear, the federal government will default on our loans in 13 days if the ceiling isn't raised. That could be disastrous for our economy, however, I am not convinced that it would be any more disastrous than allowing the Democrats' out-of-control spending to continue.
The national debt may be $28 trillion, but the real debt is closer to $123 trillion once you add in the unfunded liabilities. That is about $800,000 per taxpayer. Spending must stop!
The largest healthcare provider in New York proudly declared that they are 100% vaccinated, after firing 1,400 people. The pandemic is so bad that healthcare workers can be fired en masse.
Attorney General wants the FBI to treat parents who oppose Critical Race Theory as potential terrorists. Watch those soccer moms.
Until tomorrow, protect your liberties. Once they're gone there's no getting them back.

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