A Failed Solution for COVID, 3709

3 years ago

Good Monday morning. I’m still reporting on the coup!

Of course, coup making in the United States had to have a major diversion to keep the populace from getting too riled up by the outrages by the new administration on the political front, and that diversion has been the plandemic.

Even science was perverted into a political tool, with fake studies and immense pressure on those who would continue to tell the truth about the situation.

But it looks like science is slowly coming around to a return to a search for the truth. The latest comes from a Harvard Population Health Geographer who looked at the existing stats – skewed though they probably are – on number of deaths per million caused by COVID, and then compare those to the numbers of fully-vaccination in those populations.

According to the study, which has just been verified by TrialSite News, countries with higher vaccination rates don’t experience lower Sars CoV-2 cases per million people.

According to a report in yesterday’s TrialSite News:

“… nations and countries with higher vaccination rates don’t experience lower Sars-CoV-2 cases per 1 million people. The evidence … points to the need to rethink the vaccine-centric [model] to eradicate the pathogen in favor of a more diversified, open, and flexible approach.”

When looking specifically at the American data, the authors of the study, led by S.V. Subramanian of the Harvard School of Public Health, found:

“… no significant signaling of COVID-19 cases decreasing with higher percentages of population fully vaccinated.”

The study also looked at the data from the two most vaccinated nations, Israel, Portugal and Israel.

In Israel, the most vaccinated nation, with over 75% of the population fully vaccinated:

“.. had greater COVID-19 cases per million than nations such as Vietnam and South Africa, which only had 10% of their respective populations immunized against COVID-19.”

The authors conclude that:

“… complete reliance on a mass vaccination strategy to mitigate and overcome COVID-19 “needs to be re-examined, especially considering the Delta (B.1.167.2) variant and likelihood of future variants.”

They also state that:
“… other pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions are needed…. Such course correction, especially with regards to the policy narrative, becomes paramount with emerging scientific evidence on real-world effectiveness of the vaccines.”

I’m still reporting from just outside the soon-to-be-restored citadel of world freedom. Good day.

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