The SHaMaSH Heart - Chakra - Hebrew Perspective

3 years ago

Light -- colors of the rainbow which YHWH created -- contain vibrations, frequencies and energies which bring life and healing to all creation -- the earth, plants, animals and humans. Chakras or Spectrum Color Therapy do NOT only belong to witchcraft and new age which have perverted such. It's time to reclaim what belongs to YHWH! From the BEGINNING, ELOHIM Alef Tav thought all creation into existence or "AMaR" such with thought which is electromagnetic light and energy which contains all colors.

In the beginning Elohim Alef Tav cut/b'resheet (cut a covenant or atoms?). The Ruach/Spirit/Breath vibrated upon or in the face of the waters/mayim. Then He thought AMaR (H559) everything into existence. Thought is electromagnetic light and energy which contains all the colors and their frequencies. From a thought or electromagnetic frequency of energy we (as humans) form speech or DaBaR with our vocal chords. Elohim YHWH is Spirit (without vocal chords). Thus, He brought Himself who is Spirit and Light down to the earth and to "bara" create H1254 all creation. Before there was language, there was spirit and there was light. From the energy of such which vibrated upon and through the waters, everything else was "asah" formed H6213.

The earth was without form and dark - chosek - chaotic and YHWH brought light - ohr - order to everything.

So, did YHWH "think" light and energy -- thus, Himself -- Torah which is light down into the earth with His own light presence and created ohr - order - light from chosek - chaos - darkness?

There is so much more to every letter and word in Genesis 1:1 - 4 which we need to apply to science or knowledge and take back territory the enemy has taken. It all belongs to Elohim and His people need to reclaim and give Him all honor for His creation of light, energy and what the enemy calls chakras which are just another display of His energy of balance and order. Consider that chakra is a Sanskrit word related to an older language Hebrew word "shachar'it meaning to balance or center as in the Hebrew morning shacharit prayers. Imagine!?!? Note the patterns and order of light and creation which is everywhere -- not just in chakras which are misappropriated by most and not acknowledged as part of the Rainbow Covenant Therapy provided by Elohim Alef Tav!

Gen 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
Gen 1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
Gen 1:3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
Gen 1:4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

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Take all that is said to prayer, research and prove the Living Word. I'm a work in progress sharing the journey and progress of understanding Abba has given me. We need to seek His face to understand and reclaim and be vessels of His Ruach POWER to OVERCOME in these last days until the Return of the Moshiach!

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