The David Knight Show 4Oct2021 - Unabridged

3 years ago


3:39 New Merck Pill: A Mockery of Medicine. A revelation of “method” for BigPharma control of regulatory agencies and the media — “so effective” they stopped testing and got rid of the control group in just 30 days. Will you swallow this lie?

10:23 COVID in India ELIMINATED — WHO/FDA/CDC Doesn’t Want You to Know. WHO was actually part of the government experiment. Cost was less than $3 per person. COVID cases eliminated in May. You’re being played for money by BigPharma and power by politicians

26:38 Pandora Papers: Corruption & the Pandemic. Massive leak of info on offshore accounts given to mainstream media. Why now? Who is exposed? What about the dog that didn’t bark? US politicians & bureaucrats have something even better than offshore accounts as exit of 2 Federal Reserve presidents shows.

39:49 Australia: Gladys’ BigPharma Bribes. Did her “boy-toy” cause her downfall? Political opponent said 2 weeks ago she was bought. And what country was he dealing with?

44:02 COVIDLAND: The Irony of Alex Jones Narrating a Documentary about Lockdown. Does he talk about Trump’s betrayal of America? His role in lockdown?

1:05:07 Newsom: Jabs for Kids, Not Teachers. It’s not about health or science. Mandates for kids but not teachers. Newsom eased up for the recall election, now doubles down. But even the French globalist Macron, pushing vaccine mandates, is stopping masks on school kids.

1:34:43 The NEW Abortion: TrumpShots. Progressive Democrats block budget with demand Hyde Amendment (1980) that prohibits direct funding of abortion be removed. But the jabs proudly funded by Trump are having horrific effects on unborn & breastfeeding children

1:48:19 Many people are facing a hard choice & hard times with the Biden mandate. Here’s my testimony of what happened to me when I put God before money…

1:51:44 Denver cop crippled by TrumpShot goes on FOX. Other police organizations worldwide start to push back now that THEY must get the jab

1:59:31 Screws continue to tighten on TrumpShot coercion as corporations demand FAMILY members be jabbed

2:02:15 Mainstream media can’t keep propaganda straight. Some blame hospital closings on delta variant surge — but another shows staffing shortage, driven by mandates, is behind the closures

2:12:31 Headline news — will progs abort budget deal if they can’t fund abortion? Biden Ed Sec says parents are NOT primary “stakeholders” of kids. Trans-regrets and Trump brags he will beat DeSantis as 52% of Trump voters and 41% of Biden voters want secession

2:43:16 Ships Hit the Fan Scenario — this is an economic siege, economic sanctions. The beginning of war by the globalists.

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