Facebook's psychological operation and their 'whistleblower' Francis Haugen

2 years ago

60 minutes just ran a psychological operation segment with their ‘whistleblower’ Francis Haugen, the facebook ‘whistleblower’ who says in her time with facebook she saw, “conflicts of interest between what was good for the public and what was good for facebook”. But what exactly is she proposing? Answer, she is basically advocating for more censorship which is what big tech wants. Notice how she refers to the January 6th event as an insurrection, makes no mention of Antifa, and focused on ‘conservatives’ spreading lies even though both sides do it. Remember, in the aftermath of the election, only one conservative platform was taken off air (parlor). She says that ‘hateful speech’ that is prevalent on facebook is tearing our society apart. However, what is their motive? Listen to Haugen’s own words, she is saying that facebook has thousands of options to show you content based on your feed and history. Francis Haugen says that facebook chooses contents based on hateful and divisive subject matter because that gets people to react and in return gets more clicks. Facebook has realized that if they changed the algorithm to be ‘safer’ they’ll make less money but what does she mean by safer? Also notice that they’re using the January 6th riot (which they call an insurrection) as an excuse to amplify the censorship. Francis Haugen is no whistleblower, shes not going against the grain of the company and in fact probably will not be sued by them. She says that facebook is forcing politicians to take positions that are harmful to society, but what are these positions exactly?
We are entering dangerous waters now. The big tech oligarchs are collaborating in a last ditch effort in order to try to shut down conservative movements. Watch, They will begin to target Real America news, Gettr,, Proton Mail and other conservative bastions. A true whistleblower is someone that comes out and goes against the grain of the institution. This ‘whistleblower’ is the exact opposite, she is saying that facebook needs to put the pedal to the medal and shut down EVERYTHING. This woman who was in charge of the head of civic integration, meaning she was the head censor in charge of censoring conservative voices on facebook. They want the government to step in to use brute force, the ad hoc attacks on Zuckerberg, and they’re convinced that they need shut down the conservative movements since facebook is at risk of losing everything to competitors. And now 60 minutes is trying to equate Mark Zuckerberg to big tobacco. This whistleblower is coming out and saying they have to do more censorship. Everyone should ask this obviosu question, is facebook suing or will they sue this so-called ‘whistleblower’?

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