Peter Gotzsche: The drug industry is more criminal than any other industry

3 years ago

"The drug industry extorts us. They take any price that they think politicians are willing to accept. I started working in the drug industry, but I realized pretty quickly that I needed to get out again. The drug industry is more criminal than any other industry, which is very shocking, because these crimes lead to very many deaths that could have been avoided and many of these people who died because of the drugs they take, they didn't even need them. The drug industry is incredibly wealthy. They earn more per invested euro or dollar than any other industry in this world. That makes the drug industry incredibly powerful, so what we think and what we do and how we use drugs is almost totally decided by the drug industry.

"Who makes the drug trials? That's primarily the drug industry, and we know that these trials are generally not reliable. Many of the new cancer drugs they're actually no better than old ones, and if they are better they prolong life by one month or two month[s]. If you have an average life extension of one month, then of course there might be a person who might live one year longer, but that's not because of the drug. We call it statistical variation.

"Politicians are not powerless. They have all the power in the world. This is what we have given them, but they don't use it. They are also in charge of the drug companies. They're above every one of us. They can introduce laws if they think something in a society is not correct. We must demand drug trials to be made by independent parties with no commercial interests whatsoever in the outcome of the trial. This is crazy, we shouldn't accept this any longer."


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