2 years ago

Mindset makes weight loss easy

We over complicate losing weight.

I helped many clients over the years achieve incredible transformations and every time it will come back down to mindset

I breakdown a simple way to approach weight loss which gives you a great foundation

We make far too many excuses for ourselves and always find reasons why we do not get results

The truth is, it all falls down on you, if we turn the word excuse into a choice, we then have to accept that we are choosing a different outcome

If you really want something, you will be able to make it happen, most of the time in life, people think they want something, but in reality, they are not ready to make the changes needed

First thing to note, when ever in life we want to experience change, we must make change! Change does not mean going 2 times per week the gym. That alone will not get you results

In this video I go through a number of areas that we must bring awareness too. Using the @ladstalkhealth methodology I highlight how all of our limiting beliefs, excuses, fears, previous experiences are all the ego

Write down and be honest what things will hold you back. Write them all down

Once you observe this, you can now approach each point and then write the opposite, what can you do if there were no limitations. This is truth (your soul)

Once you have observed the barriers (ego) and then highlight a truth (soul) you now become present giving you a choice.

Making that choice will determine whether you move forward or stay still. Select what you can do from Now and make those first steps

Lastly it’s all about showing up as your best self. Making the commitment to the sessions and adjusted lifestyle, being honest with yourself, changing your words to positives, adding meaning to the reasons why you are loosing weight.

Enjoy the process.

If you start with solid foundations from the mind. You will be in control the entire time

Take the pressure of ourselves and focus on a more holistic approach to your weight loss.

Becoming healthier In many aspects of your life will make you healthier and when your body is healthier you will naturally lose weight

It’s a choice whether you want to lose weight. And remember you can be healthier that healthy.

If you want to lose weight, get committed and enjoy the process

I have helped 100s of people over the years completely change their body and mind. Please reach out and let me help you start achieving the weight loss goals you want knowing that you are in complete control of the journey

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