Let's Play - Valkemarian Tales: The Lost City part 3

3 years ago

I make my way through the desert and cave to get to the expedition team.

The game can be played at this link: https://2020.valkemariantales.com/

Tags: Red Dragonette, gaming, free internet game, flash, Dragon Cave, Sanda, Avery, Runa, Stella, Biscuits, Perni, Rufus, Boulder, Punko, Punki, Goren, Raile, goats, pseudowyverns, petting, feed carrot, teleportation, magi, magus, green, gold egg, hermit, mother, dog?, monster, ham, hyperactive, hyperactivity, gilded bloodscale, magelight pygmies, pargulus pygmy, telepathy, campfire, jokes, Halloween,

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