Oh, Dry Leaf!

3 years ago

Sometimes the moments we spend communing with nature are as close to perfection as we shall ever know in this world. We are the faces of the universe. We are the eyes of those who reminisce. We are the dry leaves of mortality, awaiting to see where the winds of eternity shall blow us.

They glide like specters along the wayside, shadowy visions of a life gone by; scenes of happiness that appear then hide – A sore heart more a portion to deny. There! They are there! Does your mind see them not? – Those days far away removed from worry, when joy was all and sorrow had no say – Remembrances in fevered wishes wrought. If you would seize them you must hurry! Savor the significance while you may!

Now they are gone, like phantoms of tired mead, long faded as gray into the fog night, passing on with inestimable speed, out across the limit of mortal sight, as lamplight that flickers on fair faces, only to be trimmed until the flame seems never to have burned but in rhymes amiss.

Fled are the ghosts of those haunted places, though the silhouettes are sufficient for dreams left on the eyes of those who reminisce.

Dry Leaf

Oh, dry leaf, insignificant and transient,
Formed so, and abandoned so,
That your passing should have a fixed course,
That your rustling might linger for a time more,
That remembrance of your passing might linger,
This is the core want of my substance.
This is the dire need of my soul, oh, dry leaf.

~ Daniel F Mitchell

Music Links:

[ SAD CHILL BEAT ] Chillstep [No Copyright Sound] [ FREE USE MUSIC ] AERØHEAD - Lights Of Elysium https://youtu.be/sr-_BINqr8c

[CHILL GUITAR SAD BEAT ] Chillout Instrumental [NoCopyrightSound] [FREEUSEMUSIC] INOSSI - Chill Out https://youtu.be/WZ-2-w3cDdo

INOSSI - Far Away [ SAD CHILL GUITAR BEAT ] Chillout, Background [NoCopyrightSound] [FREE USE MUSIC] https://youtu.be/Y1aAx5JGGtQ

Punch Deck - Persistence [ Mid Tempo Beat ] Ambient, Vlogs [No Copyright Sound] [ FREE USE MUSIC ] https://youtu.be/2orGLs7JPAk

#autumn #hiking #poetry #leaves

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