Mask Mandate Almost Arrested at Fairmont WV. Courthouse For asking about Mask Rules

2 years ago

I was Almost Arrested at Fairmont WV. Courthouse For asking about Mask Rules.
The day before I had gone to the courthouse and they refused me entrance without a mask. The next day I was wearing my mask (had to turn in paperwork)
Even though they were mandated to wear masks inside the buildings The employee was NOT and I asked her if they were allowing the exemptions and she said no,
That she didn't have to wear a mask because she was behind the glass.
The magistrate came up behind her and started threatening me. He called the police over to me and I was surrounded for merely mentioning it to her.
The hypocrisy is great.
I have never worn a mask except for entering into this building they are harassing and intimidating those that stand up for themselves.

This was just the beginning. Lord have mercy on us.


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