Fragrant Qigong Level 1 & 2

2 years ago

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Fragrant Qigong Level 1 & 2

Fragrant Qigong Level 1 consists of primarily gentle arm movements. Fragrant Qigong Level 2 adds gentle hip movement combined with arm movements. Level 1 is said to be for health and Level 2 for longevity. It is recommended that Level 2 not be practiced until Level 1 has been practiced for at least three months. (Level 2 should be practiced right after practicing Level 1.)

Fragrant Qigong is one of the most popular forms of qigong in China. It is so popular because it is so easy to do and because it is so effective. Fragrant Qigong targets the body’s entire energy system by balancing it, opening it up, and filling it in. Fragrant Qigong also provides the practitioner with a strong sense of grounding. Fragrant Qigong can be practiced several times a day to speed up the healing process or just once a day to maintain health and wellness.

Fragrant Qigong does not require any special breathing or mind techniques and can be done while watching the TV or talking.

Brian Brown - Journeyman Healer -

Brian is a catalyst for healing by bringing people, places, and things into balance using timeless methods.

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