The moment @ Perth #ReclaimTheLine Rally hears Gladys quits.

3 years ago

Watch the moment at Perth's #ReclaimTheLine rally held at Department of Health Headquarters, Friday, October 1, 2021, hear that Gladys quits

Thought on the moment :

Given, Premier Mark McGowan has asked for more time to carry out their interim investigations into Crown Perth, is this to give McGowan time to work the spin on any "Gladys" moments.

Will the report show plentiful, "I don't recall" statements or John Quigley "Chopper Gate" moments.

Does McGowan need the extra time to go through his laundry to make sure there are no unexplained casino chips in any of his pockets?

Time will tell.

Comment below and tell us what you think of Gladys quitting or what you believe may come out as a result of the Royal commission into Crown Perth.

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