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Behind the Beehive: We do not negotiate with Terrorists!

3 years ago

Time to man and woman up and take our freedom back - it was stolen by our consent, and as freemen on the land we have the sovereign right to recontract, change our minds and take freedom back. John Hus did not negotiate with the tyranny of his day, nor should we in ours. He burnt at the stake rather than have his freedoms gagged. Can't we stand? No one is burning us! Well, not yet. That might happen if we will not stand now! Hus had no where to run, we have He Wakaputanga jurisdiction. Let's enroll and get this tyranny gone, it is that easy!

We Are Revolting https://www.bookdepository.com/We-Are-Revolting/9781791752958
Under the Shadow: Agenda 21 in New Zealand https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B096LWMT1M?pf_rd_r=TP6XZ5Y30HBQM8441Z9W&pf_rd_p=6fc81c8c-2a38-41c6-a68a-f78c79e7253f&pd_rd_r=bc6cc102-b471-45c5-944b-084bbb8a4ad6&pd_rd_w=ofKRd&pd_rd_wg=vKEwi&ref_=pd_gw_unk
101 Reasons to Home Educate in the 21st Century https://www.antoinettejames.com/non_fiction__home_education.html
New Zealand addresses can buy directly any published work of Antoinette James by emailing antoinettejames.author@gmail.com


  • 0/2000
  • hi, please can you tell me other platforms you are on, I so miss your chats, so knowledge 🥰

  • If you have a free moment Antoinetre . Regarding the Pilgrims fleeing to North America . What if any sources have you have come across regarding Pilgrim communities inflicting tyranny upon females who they considered to be witches , burning them at the stake if they didn't confess to things they considered to be transgressions against the prevailing view of Christianity ?

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