Has God's Law Been Done Away With? Written On Your Heart... vs. Tablets of Stone

3 years ago

Are the commandments of God still valid for the followers of Jesus Christ? Have God's laws been done away with?

God's law is not done away! The manner in which the 10 commandments operate within God's plan of redemption has changed but the commandments remain as our standard definition of sin and transgression. The new covenant tells us they shall be written on your heart... which is better and more effective than merely having access to written laws on tablets of stone.

Learn more about this important question using the pages of your own bible. This small information packed booklet is available free of charge. Request your's here ▶▶▶ https://www.ucg.org/bible-study-tools/booklets/the-ten-commandments

For followers of Jesus Christ the ten commandments remain as the foundation of ethical behavior and spiritual interaction with our Creator. Through the ten commandments we learn what it means to love God and to love other human beings.

These commands were known by Abraham Genesis 26:5; they were written on tablets of stone as part of the old Sinai covenant Exodus 20:3-17; they are now being written on the hearts of those who enter the new covenant Hebrews 10:16.

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