Mapogo Lion Brothers Mr. T & Kinky Tail brutally attack a lone Lioness

2 years ago

Lion warfare in Africa: Mapogo vs Lioness*

Rangers report:
"On the June 15th 2006, we were following 2 Mapogo male lions from Exeter area. Suddenly they picked up their ears and listened for a short while and then started running in a easterly direction from their current position. We lost them for about 3 to 5 minutes as they were running quite quickly. So we switched off the engine and listened. We heard lions fighting and went to investigate. When we arrived on the scene, we saw one of the 2 males (Mr. T) attacking a lioness from a neighbouring pride. He was biting her on her back and flanks. While sitting at the lions, another two male lions (KInky Tail & Pretty Boy) arrived but only showed a passing interest in the fight. One of the new arrivals lightly bit the lioness on her leg. The instigator of the fight pulled the lioness down & started to suffocate her by biting her on her throat. After about 5 minutes the lioness died, the male lion then let his grip go. We are unsure why exactly the one male lion decided to attack and kill the lioness. We did find blood and the stomach contents of the impala that had been killed by the lioness and this is possibly why she was attacked as she possibly tried to defend her kill against the intruding lion."

*All vids & pics are copyright of its original authors (rangers, field guides, photographers, tourists): A big thank you for the great effort and sharing these exciting moments with all of us!

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