Bell ringing

3 years ago

Treatment with music and bell ringing has been used since ancient times, and modern doctors use it as part of the treatment package, especially often in psychotherapy. A number of eminent psychiatrists have successfully used bells for symptomatic treatment of cancer patients. The ringing has reduced pain, fear, and feelings of longing.

Research by physiologists has proven that different kinds of music affect people differently. Marching music tones you up, and helps you mobilise your energy. Listening to the music of classical composers, especially W.A. Mozart, improves memory and mobilizes mental abilities, allows to release nervous tension, improves indicators of the biological rhythms of the brain (alpha and theta rhythms). Similar changes are recorded in people after they listen to church bells and Orthodox chants.

We can say with certainty that the bell-ringing plays a positive role in human life and not only does not harm human health, but also has a positive effect on it.

I suggest you listen to recordings made in several monasteries during the celebration of Orthodox holidays.

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