The David Knight Show 30Sep2021 - Unabridged

3 years ago


2:54 YouTube Identifies THE Issue by Censoring It. THE issue, the VITAL issue is what they want to conceal — the toxic injections

41:17 Secret Agent for Govt Censorship. No longer a secret. Just this week, Putin used YT to censor critic, then Germany uses YT to censor RT.

43:54 CIA’s war against free press reached new lows with Assange…here’s what they did

51:54 Military Caught Using “Pandemic” to “Test” Propaganda or was it the other way around?

1:00:13 Religious Belief Scorned by Govt, Media, Conservative & Megachurch. From NY Governor, to LA Times, to “conservative” talk radio & megachurch in Dallas — religious beliefs are being trashed to push THEIR religion of vaccination.

1:10:42 McAuliffe Trashes Parents, Homeschooling EXPLODES! How many times do school boards & politicians have to tell parents to shut up and go away, they’ll do whatever they wish with your kids. If the “Romney” Republican in Virginia wins will the schools improve? You CAN have control — homeschool

1:30:03 “Disney Fantasy” Child Molestation: The State of Our Culture. $27 MILLION lawsuit against Disney cruise line.

1:37:19 Army Lt Colonel, an MD, exposes the devastating health effects of the jabs on young soldiers in prime physical condition

1:42:09 Teen vaccine deaths — a half dozen specific cases of teen death in Europe out of 26,041 fatalities for all ages

1:51:29 Biden got his “booster” shot on a stage set, to look like he was at the White House. Is ANY of this real?

1:52:42 “Booster’s Billions”: BigPharma will make billions from boosters. Like “Brewster’s Millions” with a twist — remember that?

2:00:51 INTERVIEW: “Climate” Path to Communist “Utopia”. Steve Milloy,, on Biden’s other tactic to push us into the radical GreatReset

2:29:09 The infrastructure bill is too much even for some Democrats — let’s hope

2:30:31 District of Corruption: from Federal Reserve President, to Pelosi to 131 federal judges

2:35:17 GOP Senators’ bill to block Biden’s financial surveillance of all transactions $600 and up — a stepping stone to CBDC (Central Bank Digital Cash) and TOTAL surveillance

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