9-30-21“There Were Large Pieces Torn Off – Bubbles Being Filled Absolutely Perfect – 60,000 Illegal

2 years ago

There Were Large Pieces Torn Off – Bubbles Being Filled Absolutely Perfect – 60,000 Illegal Ballots” – AZ Audit Volunteers Speak Out on Disturbing Findings — MUST SEE VIDEO
The historic Arizona forensic audit has concluded and the hardworking Arizonans who volunteered their time and efforts to fight for our election integrity are finally speaking out.
They have been under nondisclosure agreements until now, and they can reveal what they saw while counting ballots in the Veterans Memorial Coliseum.

Unvaccinated Students Told To Wear Different Colored Wristbands So They Can Be Identified
First year students at the University of Bath have been given armbands by authorities to signal whether they’ve been double-vaccinated, with unvaxxed students having to wear a different color.
“Freshers have been given wristbands to signal whether they are vaccinated against coronavirus amid anger at emerging “two-tier” university campuses,” reports the Telegraph.
“Students arriving this week at the University of Bath have been given a different coloured wristband on club nights if they can prove in advance they are double jabbed, or have Covid-19 immunity.”
Those who cannot prove they’ve been vaccinated are forced to enter a different queue in a clear example of segregation.
Bath is a notoriously left-wing city, as is its main university.
Vaccine passports are being enforced on campuses despite the government’s inability to impose them on the country after studies found they would be discriminatory and ethically unsound.

Former Notre Dame Professor Who Said, “Damn the Unvaccinated” Dies Two Weeks After Receiving 3rd Covid Shot
Orlando, Florida – A former Notre Dame professor who routinely attacked unvaccinated people as “selfish” passed away after she received her 3rd Covid vaccine.
67-year-old Karen Croake Heisler received her first Pfizer Covid jab on January 13, 2021.
"""""""""""""""""" News Reports Below""""""""""""""

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