The Church An Extension of Jesus Through Space and Time VII

3 years ago

Saints books for both young and old. Mark Twain’s Joan of Arc.
Marvel & DC Comics artificial, we have the saints who did the real thing. They had superpowers and they exist now to help us. Our Church is wonderous and real.
Even the fantastical stories shows the belief of the people who trusted that with the Lord all things are possible. Child let with a real friend not an artificial friend, a true advocate.
Holy Water font at the doors, bless the children & grandchildren, family pilgrimages, night prayer, recently included blowing the shofar and using Trappist Incense. Being around other holy families helps me to grow in my spirituality.
Beeswax candles need to be blessed. Incense needs some caution. Satan will try to twist them. Support religious communities that produce them to support their holy works.
Pilgrimages in your local area. Do not need to get on a plane.
Ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten you as to what to incorporate in your home
Special prayers or holy images at the table (Exultation of the Holy Cross have a cross as a reminder)
Drinking with the Saints is a fun way of learning about our Faith in a festive manner
Don’t underestimate the prayer before meals, morning prayer, night prayer, family rosary.
Sara helped with Mardi Gras well focused.
St. Nicholas cookies given our on Dec 6 with a narrative of importance. Kids brought candy canes to school, even public, international customs.
Live in a world of rituals given to us by Hallmark. World wants ritual and custom, Catholics cant be beat. Fast & feast going on weekly or bi-weekly. A calendar of saints, cant plumb the depths.
Poor St. Patrick has become a patron to drunkenness and debauchery, unjust to Patrick.
All Saints Day, dress up with kids went to nursing homes sang songs and having a party. Had Halloween beat. Required effort of the families involved.
The Church as an Extension of Jesus Through Space and Time must incorporate a rhythmic pattern of fasts and feasts, penance, and prayers, always culminating in a joyous celebration. Our Lady of Sorrows gives way to Our Lady Queen of Heaven.

The season of fall is a perfect time to reclaim our patrimony if only within the walls of the domestic church. It is very Benedictine to have a seasonal flavor to a Christian culture. Take the time to incorporate Christian customs in your life and like the fall garden, you will harvest a bushel of graces.

Can’t plumb the depths.

Fasting in a tri-fold concept prayer, almsgiving, fasting together are one. Only fasting is dieting. Prayer without charity is an empty gong. Unite the day of fasting with the other 2.

Joanna Bogle, A Book of Feasts & Seasons, Gracewing, Trowbridge, Wiltshire BA14, 1986
Michael P. Foley, Drinking With the Saints- The Sinners Guide to a Holy Happy Hour, Regenry History, Washington D.C., 2015
Mary Ann Kuharski, Raising Catholic Children, Our Sunday Visitor, Huntington IN, 1991
Susie Lloyd, Please Don’t Drink the Holy Water- Homeschool Days, Rosary Nights, and Other Near Occasions of Sin, Sophia Press, Manchester NH, 2004
Mary Reed Newland, The Year and Our Children- Planning the Family Activities for Christin Feasts & Seasons, The Firefly Press, San Diego, CA 1956
Prayers of the Advent and Christmas Seasons, NCCB, Washington D.C. 1989
Living and Celebrating The Advent- Christmas Seasons, St. Paul Editions, Boston, MA 1970

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