Contemplating Conspiracy 4. Do Mention the Reptiles!

3 years ago

The title of this episode, Do Mention the Reptiles, is a play on Chapter 2 of David Icke’s book, The Biggest Secret. It’s title is Don’t Mention the Reptiles. Icke is referring to the advice he received to leave all mention of shape shifting lizard people out of his book—obviously for fear it would discredit him and his wider work.

I am also suggesting we do mention the reptiles—just not in a purely literal way. Be shocking! Do mention the reptiles at dinner parties! To the extent that we don’t do this, mythology arises anyway, just unconsciously so. It flares up into conspiracy movements where no effort is made to have any awareness of a boundary between the mythic and the physical, or to even acknowledge a mythical realm exists.

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