Caution message for anyone looking to date other people

2 years ago

I would like to give an important message to anyone looking to date someone out there That you ever looking for a relationship or not.
Guys not everyone thinks and wants what you want.
Love is a beautiful thing but we need to consider something. If love exists so is its opposite hate and the devil. We need to set up in advance some standards for ourselves to ourselves and be clear with ourselves what we will accept and what we won't accept, what we want or what we don’t want, Too many of us just go with what we found and who we found, Its not because you love someone that they are the right person for you. Too many people are chasing: Unavailable people, People that doesn't want them. People that treat them badly.People, that want them as a friend with benefit and doesn't want a relationship with them. We allow bad behavior, for what? to be love.

We confusing love with abuse. It is not the responsibility of the other to make the deal fair to you, it is your responsibility to do so. You always have the power to walk away if what you find do not FIT what you want and need at the moment you find it, I must stress out " at the moment you find it" because some of us will wait in hope for someone to change, for someone to recognize us to be worthy of them. All that is nonsense, You were born with LOVE inside of you, you are not missing anything that you need to sacrifice yourself to get LOVE from someone that cannot give it to you. Be brave, walk away when the deal is not working for you and find a way to love who you are more than you could ever think possible to do

There are really crazy people out there that only got pain and neglect to share, take your time to know the person you find, and more importantly take the time to stand on your feet and feel good without who you are before you look for someone to complete you.

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