Bullet In The Head Restoration Process

3 years ago

In this video I'm demonstrating my restoration process for Bullet In The Head.

I'm using the following tools:

Digital Vision Phoenix
The Pixel Farm's PFClean

I use Digital Vision Phoenix to apply automatic dirt and dust removal filters. These filters, when properly adjusted, allow you to remove around 70% of dirt and dust automatically without artifacts.

The next step is far more time consuming. I use The Pixel Farm's PFClean to do all manual restoration work. I have to go frame-by-frame and manually remove dirt, dust and scratches, fix broken frames and so forth.

However this manual work pays off with a final result that is remarkably clean of imperfections.

Skip to 1:30:00 to see the final comparison between the original video, the Phoenix restored video and finally the PFClean restored video.

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