Bill Gates foretelling the future & published an article stating the next pandemic will be Marburg

2 years ago

On April 22, 2021, Bill Gates foretelling the future & published an article stating the next pandemic will be Marburg

Personal note: It has been my observation that the difference between Conspiracy and Theory is now < 6 months.

That said, on April 22, 2021, Bill Gates published an article stating the next pandemic will be Marburg. Supposedly a cousin of Ebola, Says it can kill 9 out of 10 people it infects. They have already developed a PCR test (Matburgvirus Viral Protein 35 genesig Standard Kit) ready and the 'injections' are ready. They will be perpetuating Marburg will be spread A-Symptomatically (It has already been proven there is no such thing as A-Symptomatic spread of a virus), however, you will find loads of papers to the contrary in attempts to falsify this conclusion.
They are also fast-tracking a new Ricin 'injection' and it will be called "RiVax". The RiVax has 2 components.
1. A modified form of the A-chain of the Ricin toxin. The modification have removed the biological activity of the protein while still retaining its shape to trigger an effective antibody response. (<--- I call BS on this sentence)
2. Aluminum as an adjuvant.

That's right people, RICIN, the same as used in terrorist attacks that killed a large number of people in the Tokyo subways

The suspected rollout plan.
Right now, some of the adverse effects of the covid jabs are hemorrhaging and blot clotting similar to hemorrhagic fever. When they give the booster jabs to our elderly in the nursing homes and to the children that will be in close contact with others in the schools, they will cause further hemorrhaging and clots which will appear as 'Hemorrhagic Fever'. They will then test with their new PCR test and say that it's Marburg. Mass Hysteria will ensue just like at the beginning of CV and there will be another rush by the sheeple to get anything that they believe will 'protect' them.
The RiVax jab will be rushed through EUA just like before. The Ricin jab may kill millions+ very rapidly.

Now we know why Walmart has so many body bags ready.

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