Learn to Empty the Mind to Gain Clarity in Life

3 years ago

Thoughts to Consider - Empty Mind

How do you create an empty mind?

There will be days when you are not thinking about anything in particular. Your mind will not wander from thought to thought. You will not think about anything, judging anything, or wanting anything.

You will feel like you have an empty mind. This experience is a mind that does not focus on anything one thing. This is a clear mind. A mind that does not have scattered thoughts.

You feel the peace in your heart, mind, and soul. You feel love for yourself and those around you.

Thoughts will not race through your mind and you will not think about anything. You will not worry about what needs to be done or what is on your to-do list.

You will not focus on what you have to do, want to do, or what someone else requires of you.

When you have a focused mind you should want to accomplish more of what you want and less of what others require of you. Your dreams and goals become clear.

As you witness the emptiness of your mind. There is no more confusion. Your thinking becomes clear and you are no longer blinded by the vail.

This feeling may last for a split second or you may live in this state of consciousness at all times.

When you empty the mind, you begin to communicate with your third eye. I believe we know we need to clear our minds but we don't.

We suffer from a bombardment of thoughts that waste of time. These thoughts do not serve us or our great purpose.

The mind doesn't need more on its plate. We already know what we need to do and what action we need to take.

When you focus on something that needs to be done you fill your mind with things that you think are important. They may not be.

You have to be content with where you are at this moment. Only then can you understand what is important to you.

When you start to pursue your dreams, what needs to fill your mind will come to you. But the right thought which will impact you will only come if your empty mind is ready.

Sit in a quiet space and empty your mind. Go out into nature, meditate, or even sit in bed with no distractions. Turn off the TV and all the excessive noise in your life.

Listen to yourself. Listen between the lines of your thoughts.

This will allow you to take advantage of new opportunities in the future as you start to see all the possibilities of your life.

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