Australia's 1% Bikies pick sides in the «‎Battle for Australia» denouncing CFMEU Boss John Setka

3 years ago
The Aussie Cossack Interviews Bikie Representative:
Aussie Bikers Ross Kemp: Extreme World: Season 4, Episode 5,


People of Australia,

We have also prepared a statement to clarify a few points that may not have been articulated in the interview.

Please understand that there isn't a centralised comittee of bikies where every club/chapter sits at a round table for discussions. Each individual club/chapter runs it's own game and makes it's own decisions as a unit. We ask that bikies in aggregate aren't all painted with the same brush because of the bad decisions of a small minority.

Although most of us aren't actively wearing our colours during protests, know that we are scattered amoungst the crowds, standing shoulder to shoulder with the people. The government uses tactics to effectively 'cut the head off the snake' for any sort of organised dissent. We've all seen videos of the cop squads grabbing key speakers out of crowds or charging people for incitement for a social media post. This is another key reason as to why we must remain in the shadows, because you can bet that the government will attempt to make examples of us.

People of Australia, stop willingly handing over your human rights, because we will not be getting them back without a fight. Learn from history, do not take a backwards step.
We stand with the people of this country and we stand for everyone's right to be FREE.

Hold the line Australia.


Bikies In Australia Stand With We The People ~ Bikies We Thank You And We're Sorry That Humanity Wasn't Awake Enough To Support You Years Ago When You Needed Our Help. Know Now That As You Have Our Backs, We Also Have Yours.
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