Pastor Mark Cefola: Spiritual Preparedness 07/26/2015

2 years ago

Allegheny County Constitution Party Picnic 2015

You don’t have to be a survivalist to see the handwriting on the wall. For example: extreme weather events, a government that’s about to go flat broke, and sometimes there are catastrophes that just happen without warning. Other times, they unfold over a period of a few days. We need to be prepared for the days ahead by growing our faith. The race ahead is for those who are prepared. And preparedness is about faith. The Black Robed Regiment was the name the British placed on the courageous and patriotic clergy of the American Revolution, referencing the black robes that ministers wore in that day. Those pastors boldly proclaimed the Word of God in everything that applied to life, whether spiritual or temporal, whether related to eternal life with Christ or to topics such as taxation, education, government, military, or any other issue touched in the Bible. America is longing for a resurgence of the Black Robed Regiment – they want ministers who will provide much needed community leadership and speak out fearlessly on issues related to today's culture.

Windows Of Perception: Special Report

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